What Does Homeschooling From a Place of Grace Look Like? Part One

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Twice this month I was blessed to be able to share with groupsof mothers of preschoolers at their monthly MOPS meetings.The topic was Parenting Little Ones From a Place of Grace, and every time I give this talk, I end up a weepy mess at the end.

We haven't always parented from grace. When my identity was wrapped up in my kids' performance, there wasn't a whole lot of grace to be given. I was too concered about how they made me look. When we're secure in our identity, living in the gospel and our understanding that we are absolutely loved and accepted, we can freely pour grace and love out on the people around us, including our kids. We are secure.

It seems from the response to the posts on Fear-Driven Parenting and the Grace That Sets Us Free and Kids and Grace and Discipline that I was not alone. Some of you are struggling with parenting that way, too.

Last week a dear friend of mine emailed me a long letter, asking all sorts of questions that have been brought to the surface recently in her family. Her letter was so lengthy and meaty that I have decided to turn our correspondence into a series of posts so that you can glean and think, too.

I'm not the final word on this. Let's think through the issues together, and let's allow Scripture to do the heavy lifting, okay?

There are three more posts in this series:

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four