10 Days of Raising Boys: Potential


9-year-old boys are, shall we say, odd creatures. Weird. Slightly off-kilter. And oft-annoying, no?

I'm well beyond goofy 9-year-old boy stuff with my older three, but I'm just around the corner from it with my bottom two. Already there are shades of it: today my 6-year-old was squawking like a duck in the back of the van and every time a sister would tell him to stop he would pause, smile and then squawk louder. Boys!


But a wise mother sees potential. She helps a young boy curb his lack of self-control by controlling him when she has to. "Put your hand on your mouth until you can gain control over your squawking". And she smiles a concealed smile after she reads her 15-year-old the riot act for throwing the creepy doll on the skylight because she recognizes the playful heart and creativity behind the shenanigans.​ 

Can you imagine my reaction when I glanced up and found that creepy doll staring down at me from up there?​ 

See the potential. It's there lurking in every goofy 3-year-old and weird 9-year--old and dreaming 13-year-old. It's the creativity and the vitality and the zest for life that reality so quickly strips from men who carry the weight of the world on their shoulders.​ See the potential and then be their biggest fan!

Find all of the other posts for this series here:​

Day OneDream Big 
Day TwoDon't Freak Out
Day ThreeLet Them Fail
Day FourLearn to Bite Your Tongue
Day FiveHelp Them Find Heroes
Day SixTeach Them to Show Up
Day SevenRemember Their Frames