A Full Heart

I am writing with a full heart today. How could I not? To see God's hand at work in such a way as we have these past two weeks leaves my heart spilling over with gratitude.

I have more thoughts swirling around in my head that I would like to share with you. I am particularly thankful for your prayers and concern, especially because the majority of you don't even know our family or our Mighty Joe. That you would follow his story, cry with us and cheer with us leaves me speechless with thankfulness.

This Saturday is our Homeschool Encouragement Day and I've been asked to tell a bit about what God has done in our lives these past two weeks. I want to share my heart with my church family first, and then I'll post the text here to share with you all. In the meantime, I'm stepping away from the blog and keeping my eye on Mighty Joe. And all the other young superheros growing up in our home. I've missed them so!
