Mighty Joe Update, March 2009

I always love it when I can see that someone has done a search for Mighty Joe and has ended up here.  It's amazing to think that nine months after his hospitilization and near death, people we don't even know are thinking of us and wondering how he is doing.

Well, folks, he's doing beautifully!  The little brain that is missing sections is compensating and firing connections that are allowing him to progress just as any ten-month-old with a healthy brain should.  He immitates blowing raspberries, clicking his tongue, and saying "da da" (I'm working on "ma ma", but he just smiles as if he has my number and repeats, "da da").  He is figuring out how to crawl, but currently scoots his way around our house faster than a speeding bullet.  He is, after all, mighty :)