A Few Little Personal Things to Share

Gayle's Bakery ~ Capitola, California


I think I have the sweetest readers in blogdom. I love the emails you send, the comments you leave, and the interaction on Facebook and Twitter. Sometimes you tell me that I bless and encourage you, but did you know that you bless and encourage me, too?

A few things I want to share with you:

~ We take Mighty Joe to see a new specialist next week. He'll be seeing an optometrist who specializes in brain injuries and visual processing disorders. Would you pray for us if you think of it? Joe's showing some interesting off behaviors and we want to do the best we can for him.

~ The book is finished! Mighty God is in the capable hands of my agent, who believes in this project and has nurtured it along. It's a God-sized story, and I'm so humbled to be able to tell it. I'm so humbled it happened to us. God is good, gracious, loving, and kind.

~ Speaking of Mighty Joe, last week at Community Bible Study, a dad dressed up as Goliath for the kiddos' classes. Apparently it back-fired; all the little ones freaked out and were a crying mess! After a sweet apology by the teaching leader (I was already smirking at the humor of the situation), I picked up Mighty Joe from his class. He greeted me with, "A big giant in my cwass. I cryded!" Bet he won't forget that story for a lifetime!

~ I finished a Christmas present for you this week! I can't wait to give it to you. I love you all, and am excited for you to open a little party from me.

~ Circle Time: Plan the Best Part of Your Day! is on sale for just 1.99. The sale price will show up in your cart.

~God is Faithful. I Just Need to Be Reminded. (you too?)