10 Moms Share Words of Wisdom for New Homeschooling Moms


10. You don't need a homeschool room and a home library to educate your kids. ~Caroline, homeschooling 3 for 9 years


9. The first thing that comes to mind is to relax! I know when I first started homeschooling, I tried to 'do school at home'. It was stressful for me and for my son. Once I learned to relax and trust in Him to help us through each day, we really began to enjoy our homeschooling journey. ~Yvonne, homeschooling 2 for 13 years


8. Don't become overwhelmed thinking you have to do everything immediately, or in the first year--or ever (Latin?). There is no one right way! Teach what you are personally excited about, and they will become excited along with you. ~Heather, homeschooling 5 for 12 years


7. Don't compare yourself to other homeschooling families. Someone else's husband may want them to do something in their home while your husband may not care, so go with what's best for your family. One of the reasons we homeschool is to give our kids a unique education; keep your eyes on what's best for your kids. ~Amy, homeschooling 10 for 14 years


6. Relax. You can't break them. It is common for new homeschoolers to fear failure. So, we pile on academic work in fear of what others will think if our kid is not reading Plato by 1st grade! Conversely, as the children get older, we tend to ease up on them and demand less. A successful homeschool is built on the opposite model. Slow and steady in the early years. Ramp up the pace during middle school years in prep for high school. I tell my younger friends with preschool-K5 ages: read and play. Then repeat.  ~Carol Anne, homeschooling 2 with Asperger's for 16 years


5. There may come a time when you want to quit, things may be difficult and challenging; this is exactly the time you [will] need to dig deep and persevere. ~Cheryl, homeschooling 4 (and a newborn!) for 11 years


4. Make time to spend with just your husband. When you are giving all to your children, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it is easy to forget your marriage. Even if all you do it go out for coffee a few times a month—make the time to do it. If you can get away overnight for a day or two, do that too. You will come back refreshed and ready to dive into your mother/teacher role again knowing just how special your marriage really is. ~Kate, homeschooling 5 for 13 years


3. RELAX and enjoy your kids. It's ok to scrap the plan have a PE day at the park. :) ~Amy, homeschooling 4 for 7 years


2. Don’t be afraid to scrap a technique or curriculum that is not working for your student. Children are unique; it may be that a method that worked well for Jake is all wrong for Jane. The goal is not to finish the book; it is to gift your child with a life long love of learning. Frustration and aggravation do not equal success. ~Judy, homeschooling 4 for 15 years


1. Don't lose your sense of humor! ~Jonelle, homeschooling 3 for 6 years


This blog hop is inspired by our dear friend and sister Angie of Many Little Blessings. We would love to have you join us during our ten week adventure. Please link up at Angie’s blog by clicking the image below.