A Thomas Jefferson Education {This Week in History}

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If you've been around here for awhile, you are probably very familiar with Circle Time, or a group teaching time we use with most of our kids during our school days. If not, you can read a whole lot of posts on Circle Time here, or even read the ebook.

Some years I know exactly what resources I want to use in our Circle Time, and other years I'm left scrambling for good ideas. If you're in that last boat, you may be very interested in a great resource from Rachel De Mille of A Thomas Jefferson Education called This Week in History.


This Week in History is a subscription that comes straight to your email inbox once a week (or you can access it on the website), providing you with super meaty lessons for each day, covering events that occurred in history that particular day. It's up to you whether you skim the subject matter and just give your kids the salient points or use all of the resources provided and really dig into a subject together.

Math, science, language skills, geography, current events, and the arts are all tied in to the day's event in history, meaning you could really use just this one resource as your entire Circle Time for a whole year!

Want to just cover a specific topic? You can search the archives by date, topic, and key word any time you need to.

Let's take a look at one day just to see what is covered in a day of This Week in History:

July 29th

Alexis de Tocqueville was born. After a brief history of de Tocqueville (easily read at the breakfast table), there are resources, links, and questions. A photo of de Tocqueville is included so you don't have to go scrambling for one.

Bet you didn't know that July 29th is also National Lasagna Day. This Week in History offers a short history of lasagna, some resources about lasagna, and four recipes including an easy lasagna recipe for kids created by Emeril Lagasse.

My kids enjoyed this very much, and most days I just read the introductory information and showed them photos or video links. We had some good laughs at the lighter historical events and good discussions about the events or people that caused us to stop and think. This Week in History proved to be a valuable part of our Circle Time, spanning the ages that are around our table for discussion right now (17, 14, 13, 11, 8, and 5). Even your littlest ones can participate in hands-on projects like making lasagne.

From the serious to the fun to the very interesting, This Week in History will keep you in history resources to study, discuss, and enjoy!

$9.99 per month

Read more reviews on the Schoolhoue Review Crew here!

Disclaimer: As a member of the TOS Crew, I received this product, at no cost to me, in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are mine.