How Bright Ideas Press is Helping Me Like Homeschool Science

I'm not a science girl. I'm not a math girl either, for that matter, but for today I'll stick to the subject at hand.


I so don't like science that I created a whole workshop for homeschool conventions on the subject of not liking to teach science

Who's with me?

If you've been reading Preschoolers and Peace for awhile, you know that I'm a goofy-big fan of The Mystery of History, but I've been way too slow to try the other beautiful texts published by Bright Ideas Press. Why? Because sometimes I'm dense, or stubborn, or stuck in my ways, or on auto-pilot. 

And then along came the Christian Kids Explore Science series. Well, along they came for me. They've been around for quite some time and I've heard other homeschoolers praise them, but my science-unloving soul just turned a blind eye.



But this year Caroline (11) and Annesley (9) and I have been working our way through Christian Kids Explore Physics and guess what? We like it. We like it a lot! Here's why:


  • It's well-organized
  • The lessons are brief enough to not be boring but interesting enough to be considered worth our time
  • The hands-on stuff isn't silly. I also don't have to go hunting down hard-to-find materials.
  • There are printables for the girls to create a physics notebook
  • There are quizzes and reviews ready to print out after each chapter
  • It is obviously created and laid-out by someone who has homeschooled because it makes sense for a homeschool setting, not a classroom


That last point is how I feel about The Mystery of History, too. 

Here's the thing about homeschoool curriculum: it's getting better and better because homeschooling has come into its own and bright, capable, talented people are producing excellent materials with meaty, challenging content and a homeschool mom-friendly layout. 

I was not surprised to learn, then, that the founder of Bright Ideas Press was a homeschooler herself, now helping to homeschool her grandchildren. Want to read more about her? She wrote a great little series on early homeschool learners for Preschoolers and Peace last year!


This post is filled with affiliate links. We like Bright Ideas Press very, very much.