Circle Time With the Really Littles

Hey Kendra-

I'm sure it's been a while, but I'm wondering if you had any suggestions for Circle Time for two children in the home under 3? Any book suggestions? Any suggestions on teaching them to be loving brothers?

Thanks for all you do!

Krissy Fulton

Yes, we have a couple of favorites that we loved using with out littlest ones.

If you want a classic, you can't do better than Kenneth Taylor's Big Thoughts for Little People. We love all the Susan Hunt Bible study books for kids, but My ABC Bible Verses is a perfect place to start with preschoolers. She has a lovely My ABC Bible Verses From the Psalms, too.

My older kids still refer to the pictures in The Children's Illustrated Bible every once in awhile. The story format is perfect for the younger crowd, and the additional resources in the margins capture the eye of older kids. And our younger kids love The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name in every format we own. Seeing Jesus from cover to cover is a beautiful thing!

As for teaching them to be loving brothers, just communicate to them that they are each other's best friends. Tell them as they grow that friends tend to come and go throughout life but brothers can walk alongside each other forever. Have them comfort each other when one gets hurt or is sad, and teach them to rejoice at each other's triumphs. Encourage them to pray together before bed, too. They won't always feel like loving each other, but that's the perfect opportunity to show them that love is a choice we make whether we are feeling loving or not!
