Nifty IKEA Shelf Storage

Turn those magazine holders on their backside

Turn those magazine holders on their backside

We finally finished up the paint job in the schoolroom. It has only taken us 11 years, so if you're feeling like you never get around to finishing certain home tasks, you are in good company. 

Part of getting them painted was the emptying of all those shelves and cabinets. I was ruthless and realistic, asking myself, "If we were moving, what would you really want to pack up and take with you?" Long story short, I have a lot of curriculum to sell.

One nifty trick - I had several wooden IKEA magazine holders not in use, and when I saw that they wouldn't fit in the shelves that were fixed and not adjustable, it dawned on me that I could turn them over onto their backs, slide them into the cupboard, and use them to store DVD's, CD's, flashcards, and other small items that tend to get lost on a bookshelf.

This one worked for us!

Need more school organization help? I've got a whole workshop called Organization for a Peaceful Homeschool right here.