Posts and Books and Podcasts and the Beginning of the School Year

Hi there! Do you remember me? I'm Kendra, and I've been writing Preschoolers and Peace for nearly 10 years. TEN YEARS. 

The reason I thought I might need to reintroduce myself is that I've been rather lame around here lately. Guess what I did yesterday? Turned in my book to the publisher! Yes! It's such a sweet thing for me to tell you about because so many of you were there with us, back when Mighty Joe got sick, back when I ran over Annesley, back when Caroline nearly died, too. You've walked this journey, prayed, and watched. And now a book.

I'm really, really thankful. 

So, here's the other stuff, just to catch you up:

Fletch and I are podcasting every week over at HomeschoolingIRL. We touch on many topics, including how to talk to your kids about sex, homeschool organization, African Americans homeschooling, what homeschooling does to a marriage, and this week, What Josh Duggar Forgot. You can subscribe in iTunes and get our upcoming episodes automatically. We've got episodes on boys, girls, dating, and raising adults coming up.

We haven't started school at home yet this year. I've got two high schoolers who are mostly in classes at a local hybrid, a 6th grader at home, a 3rd grader at home, and my Mighty Joe in full time special ed at our local public school. Did you know? Are you surprised? Us, too! After a homeschooling year of kindergarten, he had a terrific repeated kindergarten year at the school so we're trying 1st grade this year. He cannot read, cannot remember all of his letters, counts nicely, and forget things daily. This will be a long process but he has a great team helping him and us.

At least he flosses!

At least he flosses!

Our oldest daughter (4th child) drives. She drives, you guys!

Our oldest daughter (4th child) drives. She drives, you guys!

Caroline with Jordan Taylor of Blimey Cow. I know!

Caroline with Jordan Taylor of Blimey Cow. I know!

She is a singer and loves to swim and play tennis with me. 6th grade this year!

She is a singer and loves to swim and play tennis with me. 6th grade this year!

And he skateboards through the Santa Cruz store. 

And he skateboards through the Santa Cruz store. 

So, with 5 at home, that means we've graduated our oldest 3 sons. Two are in college (the oldest has decided to get a Master's degree so we're cheering him on), and the most recent graduate is taking a gap year. He's in Europe this month, traveling with two friends through Spain, Italy, and France. 

Oldest son, still goofing around with me.

Oldest son, still goofing around with me.

Playing Princess BrideOpoly (Yes! It's a thing!) with our other older sons.

Playing Princess BrideOpoly (Yes! It's a thing!) with our other older sons.

As for right here? Michele has had to stop writing for Preschoolers and Peace, but all of her posts remain so you can find and read them anytime you want. We interviewed her and her husband on the podcast last month, and I think you might really like hearing their story of adoption and foster care. 

I'm working on new and helpful posts for you, but one of the things I'm working on here is getting rid of the lousy old stuff from 10 years ago, improving the good stuff, and then creating an indexing system that will make it super easy for you to find stuff. Sound good?

You can also find me at the usual hangouts: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

See you in a few!