Chores! Part One- Creating a System


Let's talk chores.  I'm going to skip the theory and go straight to the helpful stuff, except to encourage you that if you're at the beginning of your homeschooling journey with little ones, you'll need help so train them to help!  And if you're like many women of our generation, you perhaps entered marriage with not a lot of homemaking skills, so give your children the advantage you never had and teach them to manage a household cheerfully.

There are so many ways to go about this and I think we've tried them all.  In the beginning, I simply taught them to pick up after themselves and some of our children are better at that than others.  That's an understatement!

Anyway, the simplest way to train a little one what chores they have is by using their fingers.  Even a two-year-old can hold up his hand and remember five things; in our home they are tidy room, make bed, brush teeth, get dressed, and pray for their day.  Keep in mind that "make bed" for our littlest means that she stands and watches me tidy the blanket in her crib.

Stacy at ReformingMama made a terrific chore system for her little ones.  Brilliant!