I've Found A Measure of Peace...

And guess how?  That's right- I took my own advice.  Good idea, dontcha think?  Seems I can dish it out but I'm not always so great about following it.  Christina reminded me of this:

"In the short time I’ve read your blog, my biggest take away has been FLEXIBILITY- Be ready to be flexible with your children’s schedule and make changes based on changes in the family."

Christina is not even homeschooling yet and already she has a better grasp than I do.  You go!

I have to make good use of the times when the two babies don't need me.  Much as I would like a go-with-the-flow, loosy goosy day, I know that all the thinking on my feet would do me in.  I also badly needed time with each child that would allow me to focus on their academic needs, even if the time was brief.

We implemented the new routine on Wednesday and immediately the day was peaceful.  Enjoyable.  And I wasn't utterly exhausted by noon.  Thursday and Friday followed suit, and now I'm not stressed about the coming week.


Morning Stuff

Breakfast and Clean Up

Circle Time


Read Aloud (currently it's Men of Iron)

Lunch and Clean Up

**Babies Go Down for Nap**

Quiet Hour

30 Minutes with 8th Grader

30 Minutes with 6th Grader

30 Minutes with 2nd Grader

15 Minutes with Kindergartner

30 Minutes with 4th Grader

30 Minutes with 10th Grader (because he asked for time with me- mostly he reads me his legal briefs and other stuff and we just chat.  Nice way to end the academic day!)


The day is long, and yes I'm ready for Dad to come home at night.  But it's what is working in this season of our lives (flexibility!) and it has been very, very good.

During the time with each child individually, the others are working on other school work, practicing instruments, working on projects, or watching a short video (the little girls).  If the 19-month-old wakes up, someone grabs him and takes him outside to play.

It's working!  We have both preschoolers and peace :)