Living and Schooling in Small Spaces, Part III

You can find Living and Schooling in Small Spaces, Part Ihere.Living and Schooling in Small Spaces, Part IIhere.  Dana's little piece of blogdom can be found here, at The Sunny Side of the Room.

In the same room, we have a corner where the piano sits. Most of the piano practice happens during the morning chore time and then again in the evening.

Yes, we have a library-hallway too! This is my husband's most favorite and he reminded me to tell you about it. He thoroughly enjoys turning sideways to pass the shelves when the kids don’t quite push the books in all the way. ;)

The hallway closet has four shelves saved for school storage; curriculum that we aren’t currently using. Under that is the educational games shelf. We do have an attic that I used to store this stuff in, but the intense heat was warping the books and binders.

Lastly, my husband built loft beds for my 3 boys, who share a room. Under each bed they have a desk, bookshelf and bulletin board. They retreat here when they need to concentrate in quiet.

As in any home, things are constantly morphing to fit the needs of growing individuals. We are extremely hard on our home because we live in it 24 hours a day. I remember the first time I read Kendra’s words reminding us that most of us left for school during the day, and our mothers tidied up behind us. This is a completely different lifestyle than I grew up in. My kids don’t leave. I need to have different expectations. Thankfully, my husband is very easy going and doesn’t mind a home that looks lived in. He’s a good balance for me as I seek to keep my expectations within reason. And I do my best to set up our home so my kids and husband aren’t frustrated by trying to keep it all perfect, yet at the same time can feel a sense of order and peace during their day.