Explore the World With Your Preschooler- Ten Days of Delighting in Your Preschooler


Explore the world! Moms and preschoolers both can catch a breath of fresh air when we move things outside or at least away from our homes. It's also great to take a break from all of the pressing jobs that call out to us loudly when we're at home.

I don't know what's available in your area, but some favorite places to explore here are the beach (you knew I'd say that, didn't you?), rivers, lakes, orchards (only when we have permission), the neighbor's horses, a track at the local school, a nearby university (ours are very pretty places to walk with expanses that allow little ones to run), parks, and the backyard of a friend. That last suggestion isn't a joke; my kids have a lot of fun in someone else's yard simply because it's new and different.


Where can you explore today? Don't forget to pack a lunch and an extra diaper or two!

 Day One of Ten Days of Delighting in Your Preschoolerstarts here.


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