Christ in the Chaos Book Club Week Nine


Welcome to Christ in the Chaos Book Club

-Week Nine-

It's Christ in the Chaos Book Club Week Nine, which means we're into the home stretch!​ I realized this week that I haven't provided a link to the book in case anyone is coming to our club late and wants to purchase a book. I'm actually planning on purchasing a bunch to give to the young moms at church; it's that good.

So, chapter nine. Comparison. ​My blogging friend Rachel Martin says, "Comparison is the death of contentment". Kimm Crandall says in chapter nine, "Only the truth of the gospel - that I can live by faith in Jesus Christ because he loved me and gave himself for me - frees me from the comparison crud. So I return again to the cross and see my loving God dying for me. My eyes look up, and then I can recalibrate to see others on that horizontal axis clearly and stop comparing myself to them. I can love rather than hate because I know how much my God loves me."

What about you?​

1. ​How do you tend to make those comparisons?

2. As you make these comparisons, do you tend to feel pride or despair?​

3. How does the gospel speak to pride and despair?​