Quick Lesson Planning for Busy Homeschool Moms

Lesson planning. Oy! When I first began homeschooling, I would spend Sunday evenings planning the lessons for the week, and by the time our oldest was in first grade, I was done with that. What a way to ruin a perfectly good weekend.

Take a lesson from an old homeschooling mom and give yourself the freedom to make the weekly lesson planning really easy. Sure, you'll need to plan the whole scope of your school year at some point, but for the weekly or day to day lesson planning? Here's a quick trick:

In every book that is consumable, just write right in it! I used post-its here because it's fun for the kids and I can move them to a different spot if we need to adjust our dates, but I've circled which problems I need him to work on right on the page.

How's that for quick and easy?