What the Readers of Preschoolers and Peace Did This Year

Want to know what you did?

First, you need to know if you don't already, that there is a bit of income on this site, and for that I am grateful. It pays for blog expenses and allows me to get better at what I do. But it also means that I have a nice chunk with which to help others this year.

This year, the director of a city ministry in nearby Turlock, California spoke to my Bible Study group, including my two teenage daughters who attend with me.

JoLynn DiGrazia spoke of children she's pulled off the streets in sandals and shorts in the dead of winter, who smell like beer because there's been no food in their home for the past three weeks except for Mom's alcohol. Whose parents won't allow their kids to be cared for in a sober, drug-free, loving environment because the welfare checks mean too much to them. Who return things the kids are given if they have tags on them so they can get drug money. Who spend their welfare checks on the black market that way, too.

Westside Ministries asked us to sponsor the kids they minster to by purchasing clothing and toys for a child. No tags. And no coats; a beautiful business owner in Southern California provides coats at a cost of $5 each. We can't even beat that price at Wal-Mart.

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My 5 youngest kids all chose a child who was their same age and sex. We set out shopping one morning last week and my heart beat extra little thumps that day. Nerf football, perfume, Hot Wheels, craft kits, sweatshirts, hair bands, cozy socks. 

Annesley, who turns 10 on Wednesday, was sitting in the back seat of the car later that afternoon and whispered to me, "Mommy, my heart just feels so big to me! I'm so happy we did that this morning!"


Abby and Annesley loved the giving part.

Abby and Annesley loved the giving part.


5 kids in the worst need right here in our home town, seeing little handwritten notes from my kids declaring God's love and grace, supported financially by my readers. That's what YOU did. Thank you so much.