40 Days of Being Still


Last week I was at a conference that exists to encourage and equip Christian bloggers like me. Despite the really great keynote speakers and the breakout sessions and the ministries there garnering support, the best part for me was connecting with people I have relationships with already, and getting to know the family who graciously opened their home to me.

But in the midst of all those 450 bloggers and all of the hype, I sat in one (just one!) breakout session. I hadn't planned on it, but something told me to go get my behind into that room and hear what Sarah Mae was sharing. 

I know she talked about a lot of things, but what hit me so poignantly was a gentle encouragement to take 40 days away from the noise and the distractions and allow God to fill the quiet moments that are there when we turn off the clamor of our frenetic lives.

And so I am. Beginning today, I'll be walking away from the constant noise of social media and turning off the unnecessary demands of a culture that tells us to try harder and do more.  

For the next 40 days, I'll have to be present in social media and my writing commitments only as far as they affect deadlines to which I'm already committed. Other than that, I'm turning it all off. 

I have three overarching goals:  

1. To seek God and allow Him to speak into my life all of those things I don't take the time to hear Him saying. 

2. To be intentionally present with my children who are at home.  

3. To enter the Advent season with a sense of calm and purpose

I'll be blogging just once a week here and on my author blog. Some weeks I may have words for you and others there may be pictures. Some weeks the 40 Days of Being Still graphic might be the only thing you see. 

Two friends/bloggers are joining me: Megan of  Pemberley Ink and Stef of Educating Laytons. They'll be blogging about our 40 Days of Being Still on Fridays, also. Would you like to join us?