Mom Writers Who Free Us From Ourselves and Point Us to Jesus


Which authors know what it's like to be in the thick of motherhood like I am and will remind me that my worth, value, and significance lie squarely in what Jesus did at Calvary, not in what I must do?

I am often asked for recommendations of who to read; who will drop the lists and the platitudes and will focus on reminding me of Whose I am and what He did for me rather than telling me that "this is how a Christian woman behaves"?

My short list: Elyse Fitzpatrick, Jessica Thompson, Kimm Crandall, Gloria Furman, Jennie Allen. That's just my list. Who's on yours?

No more try harder, do more, as Kimm says. No more. Jesus meant it when He said, "It is finished", and that will change your life.

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Good News For Weary Women, by Elyse Fitzpatrick

Answering Your Kids Toughest Questions, by Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson

Christ in the Chaos, by Kimm Crandall

Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full, by Gloria Furman

Restless: Because You Were Made For More, by Jennie Allen

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